- Where do I begin?
- Where does the data come from?
- Description of the proteins
- Phosphorylation and kinase information
- How to optimally use advanced search options?
- How to extract subnetworks for proteins of interest and download files to visualize in Cytoscape?
- Images not printing when trying to print. What do I do?
- Still having questions! What do I do?
2. Where does the data come from?
The data in the PlateletWeb was assembled from the following sources:
- The latest proteome and phosphoproteome platelet studies***
- Human protein database (HPRD) Version 9.0
- PhosphoSitePlus (extracted December 2010)
- Interactome databases NCBI, BioGRID and BIND
- Literature-derived manually extracted information
- DrugBank
- Gene Ontology
For further information, click here
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