
Search for a specific protein in the Platelet Interactome

(Example: vasp)


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Icons describing the level of detection for each protein

proteins found on the level of the platelet proteome
proteins found on the level of the platelet transcriptome
proteins found on the level of the platelet proteome as well as on the level of the transcriptome
proteins which have not been detected in the platelet

Type of Experiment

Icons describing the type of experiment which detects the interactions and phosphorylations of the proteins

in vivo Experiment
in vitro Experiment
Y2H Experiment

Protein Phosphorylations

Icons describing the type of phosphorylations of each protein

Experimental Platelet Phosphorylation S/T
denotes platelet proteins phosphorylated on serine or/and threonine residues. The phosphosites are detected in platelets
Experimental Platelet Phosphorylation Y
denotes platelet proteins phosphorylated on a tyrosine residue. The phosphosites are detected in platelets
Experimental Platelet Phosphorylation S/T/Y
denotes proteins phosphorylated on serine or/and threonine as well as tyrosine residues. The phosphosites are detected in platelets
Experimental Human Phosphorylation S/T
denotes proteins phosphorylated on serine or/and threonine residues. The phosphosites are detected in human cells
Experimental Human Phosphorylation Y
denotes proteins phosphorylated on a tyrosine residue. The phosphosites are detected in human cells
Experimental Human Phosphorylation S/T/Y
denotes proteins phosphorylated on serine or/and threonine as well as tyrosine residues. The phosphosites are detected in human cells

Kinase Type

Icons describing the type of kinase

S/T Kinase
denotes kinases that phosphorylate targets on serine or/and threonine residues
Y Kinase
denotes kinases that phosphorylate targets on tyrosine residues
S/T/Y Kinase
denotes kinases that phosphorylate targets on serine or/and threonine as well as tyrosine residues


Icon describing the Phosphatasae

denotes manually curated protein phosphotases

Sources of Information

Icons describing the source of information about interactions and phosphorylations of the proteins

denotes HPRD (Human Protein Reference Database) as the source of phosphorylation information
denotes PhosphoSite as the source of phosphorylation information
denotes NetworKIN as the source of kinase predictions for experimentally derived platelet phosphorylations

Interaction Type

Icons describing the Interaction type of the proteins

Protein-protein interaction
denotes interactions between proteins based on the NCBI dataset (Entrez gene)
denotes phosphorylation reactions (kinases) derived from annotations in the HPRD and PhosphoSite databases
Kinase prediction
denotes phosphorylation reactions for kinases predicted by NetworKIN for experimentally derived platelet phosphorylations
denotes dephosphorylation reactions (phosphatases) derived from annotations in the HPRD database